01425 629841 | gary@princepublications.co.uk

Local Life


Here we post news, interesting articles and updates about Lymington, Milford on Sea and Hordle as well as upcoming events and information. Covering areas such as local history, we aim to keep you up to date on all you need to know about your local area.  Click on the local information tab and you will find a directory of local clubs, support groups and charities. 




News and Articles

Sea Swimming in Milford on Sea: All Are Welcome!

Sea Swimming in Milford on Sea: All Are Welcome!

By: Courtney Shannon, of Sea Shannon
Have you noticed the increase of swimmers along our shores? The growth in wild swimming, swimming outdoors in the “wild” rather than in a pool, has exploded since the pandemic began.

East Boldre Hedgehog Rescue

East Boldre Hedgehog Rescue

East Boldre Hedgehog Rescue
Louise Godden
When 3 hoglets were abandoned at the bottom of my garden covered in flies laying eggs on them, I had to help them. They were cold and hungry. Eyebrow tweezers removed the fly eggs. Next a hot water bottle warmed them up, cat meat liquidised gave them their first feed with a syringe……..

Where there’s a will there’s a way

Where there’s a will there’s a way

Over half the adult population in the UK don’t have a Will. But do you really need one? We put some questions to the team from local firm Eric Robinson Solicitors…

What happens if I don’t have a Will when I die?

If you don’t have a Will when you die, the Rules of Intestacy apply. This means that the law decides what happens to your assets (known as your ‘estate’) and they may not go to the people you want them to go to. By the way, an ‘estate’ doesn’t mean you have to own a stately pile on the coast! Nearly all of us have an estate – your estate is made up of everything you own, e.g., your home, your car, your money and all your possessions.

I’ve been with my partner for over 30 years – surely they will simply inherit everything?

If you are living with a partner but are not legally married or in a civil partnership, your partner is not entitled to inherit anything under the Intestacy Rules – it doesn’t matter how long you have been together or whether you believe you are ‘common law spouses’. In these circumstances, blood relatives are entitled to inherit everything. If you have stepchildren, they will also not inherit from your estate under the Intestacy Rules. And the reality is, if you die without a Will the blood relatives who become entitled to inherit may be distant relatives you don’t know.

What happens to my Will if I get married?

When you get married, your existing Will is no longer legal, and your spouse will automatically inherit most of your estate. Wills are prepared using current circumstances, so it’s important to review and update your Will if your circumstances change, for instance you marry, divorce, buy a house or have a child.

Also, it’s important to note that even if you’re married and want everything to go to your spouse, you should still make a Will. If you die ‘intestate’ (without making a Will) and have children or other dependents, your spouse can only receive the first £270,000, chattels plus half the rest of the estate. So, without a Will, your spouse may not inherit the whole of your matrimonial home.


The Christians Together Group

The Christians Together Group

The Christians Together group in Milford on Sea and Everton wish to express its thanks to all the people who have helped us cope during the pandemic. ·  This includes all of the staff working in the NHS and in care homes ·  delivery drivers who have kept the...



We may be in a state of lockdown, but it is noticeable the amount of building work that is being done from the new builds around the school to the many renovations elsewhere. One property which is in the midst of alterations, being one of the oldest properties in the...

Asian Hornets

Asian Hornets

ASIAN HORNETOur busy volunteers at the New Forest Bee Keepers are working to heighten the awareness of the Asian Hornet risk to the New Forest and wider areas. We have had two Asian Hornet nests confirmed near Christchurch, Dorset on 1 October 2019. Earlier in 2019 a...

Gardening the by the Seaside

Gardening the by the Seaside

We are very fortunate in Milford to have a micro climate which allows us to grow a far wider range of plants than other parts of the country. We can grow “tenders”, like palms, cannas, phormiums cordylines and other exotics but, along with the seaside location come...

Bringing History Home

Bringing History Home

64 The Biscuit House The deeds of what is today number 64 Milford High Street, and until 2014 was Gwen’s Boutique, go back to 1677. On 23rd July of that year a plot of land, paddock & pasture, was leased for the remainder of a term of a 1,000 year lease to John...

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