01425 629841 | gary@princepublications.co.uk

Lymington & District Naturalists’ Society

Membership secretary and enquiries:

Email: lymnats@gmail.com

Website :  lymnats.org


Lymington & District Naturalists’ Society, popularly known as Lym Nats is a long established Lymington society, formed in 1946 by local naturalists. We are a general natural history society that normally holds regular meetings with twice monthly talks during the autumn and winter months at St Thomas’ Church Hall and fortnightly field meetings throughout the year.

And a bit more

Lym Nats began life just after the war, when there were local concerns about development of the coastal marshes, which now form the Lymington and Keyhaven Local Nature Reserve.

We are a friendly and active group that shares a common interest in the natural history and wildlife of the Lymington and New Forest area. Our indoor meetings are held at St Thomas’ Church Hall twice monthly from the end of September until the end of March. The talks cover a wide variety of subjects and given by both expert and amateur naturalists, often relating to our area.

 During the field meetings we look at birds, butterflies, flora, fungi, mammals or whatever – it’s all out there to be enjoyed. They take place fortnightly throughout the year. Illustrated reports of field meetings appear on our blog and in our twice yearly newsletter.

 If you are interested in any form of natural history or general wildlife, why not join Lym Nats.

We welcome new members.