Formed in 1915, the Women’s Institute was originally brought to life to revitalise rural communities and encourage women to become more involved in producing food during the First World War. Since then the organisation’s aims have broadened and the WI is now the largest voluntary women’s organisation in the UK.
Lymington WI, which meets on the second Wednesday morning of the month, has around 70 members. As well as a programme of monthly speakers and other activities, we normally have two book groups, a baking group, craft group, social group with darts and skittles, and a walking group, as well as in better times arranging monthly cinema visits to the Malt Cinema. Currently unable to meet face to face, we have developed our monthly e-newsletter and paper newsletter and started holding monthly meetings by Zoom. We are looking forward to meeting properly again and meanwhile welcome enquiries from potential members. See our webpage for more details – just search for Lymington WI.
During the pandemic, our Hampshire Federation is also organising Zoom events, while the National Federation runs a wide range of interesting and instructive Zoom courses. So membership of the WI can open a whole new world to you.