01425 629841 | gary@princepublications.co.uk

Lymington Town Tours


We were unable to run our programme of walking tours in 2020 because of the Covid epidemic, but though we are lying dormant at the moment, we will be running tours again when things improve.

Our volunteer guides all have an interest in local history and enjoy taking people on walking tours during the summer and autumn months. We have a programme of 10 walks with different themes, covering Lymington, Pennington, and Milford on Sea and anyone can turn up and join a walk without booking.  Our programme is usually on the website, but last year we had to cancel the season, and this year we are still unsure if walks will be possible.  Watch this space!

Why not join a walk when we are up and running again?  Our guides  will entertain you with a fund of interesting  stories about local people and places.  We can also  give private walks and talks to other groups and societies. 

Or why not become one of our guides? Training is given, and guiding is great fun if you love history and like interacting with people!