In 1979 local artist  Alison Board was holding an evening art group, when chatting to a student she realised that there was a need for a sociable art evening group where people could meet together to learn about Art, share ideas, view each others works and watch presentations from Art Teachers far and wide.

The primary objective would be that there would be no required standard, all abilities catered for, easy access to venue and a warm welcome to all living in Lymington and surrounding area.

42 years on, our ethos is still the same. We welcome all who would like to share their passion and interest in all art forms to join us.

2020 has been a very difficult year for us all. Many members have enjoyed the solitude of painting  at home, others miss the encouragement and company of art friends. Our exhibitions were cancelled and social gatherings postponed.  However, we at Lymington Arts Group are determined  to resume our programme of Speakers and Exhibitions as soon as allowed.

The meetings will be held in The Lymington Community Centre  on the 2nd Friday each month at 2.30pm. Speakers and Demonstrators booked for this year are on standby ready to visit us when allowed. All aspects of art techniques are covered together with a friendly critique of members works prior to the Annual Exhibition.  Tea and biscuits and time to speak to fellow members complete the afternoon.

Venues for the Annual Exhibition and Art on the Green have been booked giving members something to look forward too, although again this is subject to Covid Rules.

Long standing member Joe Jackson, comments,  “  I have really missed the monthly meetings and exhibitions during the last year. Meeting like minded people who feel and appreciate the beauty of our countryside and coast and are able to express this in their art form is wonderful.  I look forward to getting back to some sort of normality at our monthly meeting this year.”

The committee of Lymington Arts group are really looking forward to re opening the group soon. A warm welcome to members and visitors is assured. For more details contact Membership Secretary  Sandi Hills on or 01425 613569