For almost five years, Milford Befrienders have been part of the wonderful range of support services on offer to the community. Befriending is all about helping deal with loneliness in its many forms. Our volunteers are carefully matched with someone who has asked for our help and visit them for a chat on a regular basis.

As with so many others, the pandemic has negatively impacted our service, but we are determined to get back on the rails as things slowly return to normal. We have not been completely dormant and are very grateful to the befrienders who carried on throughout all the lockdowns with phone calls, prescription collections, shopping, visits when allowed and so on.

Now we want to do more and need your help. We really do need some volunteers who are happy to take on the role once we start to get more enquiries. Things are quiet right now, so we want to use this time to rebuild the team and be ready to help others in the not too distant future.

The commitment is not too demanding, all we ask is that you can spare (on average) an hour or so a week to visit your befriendee. Most of the current team do much more than this, it is entirely up to you. Once you are ‘signed off’ and ready to go, you are free to agree the best way of making things work with your chosen friend.

The process of becoming a befriender is very straightforward so if you would like to find out more give Tony Harrison a call on  01590 645404