We exist for gardeners in the local area, to provide a programme of interesting speakers and demonstrations for our members as well as running outings and holidays. Another important aim is to function as a social and meeting place for like minded gardeners and we believe we have a very friendly club!
We run an annual plant fair on the Village Green (although sadly, not this year) with any money raised going to support local charities. We always have a club stall with plants donated from members’ gardens and excess plants which have been grown by them and there are always bargains and exciting finds to be made!

We also have an “out evening” in June or July with refreshments provided by the club. Our venues for this event have included local nurseries “behind the scenes”, members’ gardens and various NGS gardens. It’s an opportunity to mix and socialise.
We have a comprehensive website which has all the information about the club including how to join, a picture gallery of members’ gardens, copies of minutes of AGMs and our rules and data protection policy. Members are kept in touch with all that is going on by a monthly newsletter and these can all be found on our website to give you a taster of club activities.
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of the month 7.00pm Milford Community Centre
Annual subscription: £15.00 per person, £7.50 if joining from July onwards
Visitors: £5 but this will be reimbursed if you subsequently decide to join.
Website: http://www.milfordgardenersclub.co.uk
Contact us at milfordgardeners@gmail.com